Brief CV
Lorenzo Fatibene is full professor in Mathematical Physics at the University of Torino (Italy) and he is director of the Master in Mathematical and Physical methods for Space Sciences (MPM Space Sciences).
He is a member of SIGRAV (Italian Society of General Relativity and Physics of Gravitation), of GRG Society, of INdAM-GNFM and of INFN.
He has a master degree in Physics and Ph.D. in Mathematics.
His research interests are in geometric methods for covariant theories, gauge theories and gravity, as well as in geometry of spinor fields, conservation laws, black hole entropy, observables in cosmology, and extended theories of gravitation.
He is author of about 100 papers on international journals and author of two books:
L.Fatibene, M. Francaviglia,
Natural and Gauge-Natural Formalism for Classical Field Theories.
A Geometric Perspective including Spinors and Gauge Theories,
Kluwer (2003)
Relativistic Theories, Gravitational Theories, and General Realtivity,
(work in progress)
CV and Pubblications